This is one of the most unique cigar holders on the market.
The Havana Standa (The Original golf ball model #HSB32) can be shaped to accommodate any size cigars. This unique product is made of a flexible Plastic-Coated Galvanized Wire, specially engineered with spring like qualities and a memory to hold a bend in different positions. The holder is designed to be hand molded (stretch , pulled ,bent) to suit your best needs.
Havana Standa Golf Cigar Holder
Made of a flexible Plastic-Coated Galvanized Wire. Designed to be hand molded (stretch , pulled ,bent) to suit your best needs. The golf ball bottom fits securely in all motorized and push golf carts.
Slight flaws may appear on golf balls . We are an environmental company and use re-purposed golf balls, packaging matertial , etc. in order not to add to the world's carbon foot print. We are made in the USA.